Manifestation Blockages and How to Fix Them
2021 is a year where you can manifest quicker than ever before.
I’m not kidding! Things are moving fast and this means there are some great opportunities to create your heart's desires.
Just the other day, I said to the universe,
“I’d really like to become an investor this year” and, within an hour or so, someone who I went to middle school with contacted me out of the blue and told me he was opening up his Florida real estate business to private investors.
One of my clients said she wanted to leave her current employer and a couple of weeks later, she was approached by REDDIT and another major tech company for a job interview!
Now, how do you make this energy work for you?
I know it can be frustrating when you’ve done all the vision boards and affirmations and taken loads of inspired action, yet it feels like what you really want doesn’t want you. Well, there may be an important piece of the process you’ve missed.
The keys to manifestation are all simple, but never easy. I teach my own clients these keys, because it’s critical if you want to begin to move into your miracles.
Here’s the thing…
The energetics must line up—your soul, your ego, your heart, your mind, your spirit, everything—must be aligned with what you want to manifest.
Declare your goal(s)
For example: “I want to be an investor.”
See what instantly comes up, what surfaces after your initial excitement. That is your shadow voice.
Not only that, but many of us also have a part of us that really loves drama.
We have those small voices inside us that say, “Well, what if I just stay poor?” or
“What if I make a bunch of money, and then spend it all?”, or even “What if I reach my goal and then everyone gets upset and there’s a big blow-up?”
How many of us binged on media about the riot in the capitol a few weeks ago?
We may not have wanted riots, fighting, and even death, but we still have that side of ourselves that go, “Yeah! The war is ON!”
So, what are your personal goals this year?
Do you want to love your life? Your body? Do you want to find love? Do you want to speak your truth more? Do you want to embody your own power?
The moment you declare that goal, you’ll instantly manifest a situation which pits your goal against your Shadow side. A situation will come up where you’ll see the full contrast between what you said you wanted and the part of you that is hesitating.
Let’s say your goal is, “I want to speak my truth more.”
Once you declare that goal for yourself and to the universe, you’ll find yourself cut off in a meeting or in line, and you’ll be presented with a choice: embody the goal you’ve claimed, or continue to act on auto-pilot. It’s this contrast that will let you exercise your desire for that goal, but if you miss the opportunity, that’s okay.
It’s not like you lost the opportunity to reach for your goals, but you become more aware of that conflict within you.
Many times, awareness is the next step to creating a beautiful environment for instant manifestation.
This is why when my clients declare their miracle goal, and things inevitably seem to go awry in their lives, I always say, “How perfect! Let’s take a closer look at that.”
And, often, they realize the chaotic experience is actually helping them see parts of themselves that were always keeping them back.
I did a more detailed FB LIVE training about this topic, you can check it out here.
So, acknowledge your shadows, have a conversation with them and choose to take action from a place of consciousness. You will be becoming a more powerful manifestor because you will be more aware of your energy and more aligned to the life you want to live.
Happy manifesting in 2021!
I’m interviewing a few mystical leaders on my personal FB Page this coming week. They will touch on everything from Chinese Astrology based on the 5 elements, to using Human Design to unlock your potential, to tuning into your Spirit Guides wisdom and guidance, and so much more!