Leave resistance, enter flow

If you don’t want what you have,

you can’t have what you want.

Your dream business or relationship doesn't happen in the future, it happens at this very moment. So it's time to surrender the energy of seeking and hustling and proving yourself.

As we approach a new year, there is one powerful manifestation tool that I know will immediately serve you well.

Before we get to it, I'd like to take a moment to remind you that you are absolutely on the right track to your ideal life, even if you don't see it.

Actually, you always have been on the right track, even if your ego made you think you weren't doing enough or focused enough or successful enough.

Your dream business or relationship doesn't happen in the future, it happens at this moment. So it's time to surrender the energy of seeking and hustling and proving yourself.

Instead, if you can allow it, simply stop wanting a life that isn't the one that you have in front of you and choose the life you have RIGHT NOW.

Can you live and LOVE the EXACT life and health and bank account and relationships you have right now, even if they are imperfect?

Because this is the catalyst for you to leave the world of resistance, and enter the world of FLOW.

I would love nothing more than to see you in alignment with your best life..so join me in loving YOU now !!

Say this out loud: "I'm choosing to love my life NOW. I'm choosing to love ME NOW!"


Doesn't that feel good :)

Sending you LOADS of blessings this holiday season.

I believe in you,


Anna Tsui