Energy Is The Equalizer. It Does Not Discriminate

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- Energy is always the equalizer.

- Energy does not discriminate in any way, no matter who you are

- We are all born into the lives we are meant to be born into, and the lives that we choose.

- For people who are born disadvantageous, in a way, they have the advantage because their soul is craving that activation, determination to succeed.

- This is why people with any kind of disadvantage have to activate higher levels of their leadership, and higher levels of their power.

- When you really feel the energetic thriving of someone, of an entire population, it has a lot to do with their internal state of deserving 

- Energy surpasses the external injustice that is setting up some people to fail.

- Our own internal sense of a better life, of deserving, of better treatment, that must happen first.

- Many people who got out of a difficult situation did so because they had that internal drive (Oprah is a great example of this! She aligned herself with a higher power, so the key to her success is she always knew that she is a child of God)

- If you have creative frequency, nothing can stop you! 

- When you look at Gandhi, Mother Teresa, these people lead with love, this is literally an unstoppable energy!

- When you are connected internally with your own frequency, that is what a superpower is

- Tune in to a higher frequency first, rather than change something externally

- When I fully choose to live a life of abundance, it’s scary, but if I choose to live in the truth frequency, then I need to examine mindsets that come externally.

- My 2022 resolution is to invest in myself first, to completely come from abundance.

- I encourage everyone to text and to play with your business! 

- Not worrying about money, and where it comes, because it will come, that I can promise you.

- I know what it's like to be left behind, I want you to know I understand you. Work on your energy, try the energy: “I deserve a great life, I am valuable!”  

- When you control that inner energy, your reality will reflect this, your external events will reflect this, people will speak to you differently, you will also get more opportunities.

- This energy, it will pay so much more than you invested!

- Invest in yourself!!!

Here’s the link to the Facebook Live once more if you would like to take a look! :)

Anna Tsui