Liberation (Part III)


Liberation (Part III)

There is no greater accomplishment than the ability to look what you fear most in the eyes.

What holds your attention holds your power.

And it is not you.

You'd be a fool to believe it is.

It's your deepest insecurity.

It's your existential fear that you are nothing and insignificant.

It's the gnawing wound that you will never be as good as what you hope to be.

It's the lingering background music of all your failures that is so loud it sometimes wakes you up in the middle of the night.

This was me, despite having created 3 international businesses, having a bestselling book, and sharing the stage with presidential candidates and Fortune 1000 execs.

I've worked with some incredible people, many of whom were tormented with the same demons that emerge when Source is not present.

These were people who commanded international delegations and 100 million dollar+ companies and yet were still operating from scarcity.

Lacking time, inner peace, and a true sense of direction, they were always overworking, always hungry, always searching.

They came to work with me because I understood.

Because I, too was always doing and learning and exploring and building and searching...

but there was one *essential* piece that I didn't have until now...

...the ability to create from BEING, which comes from the connection of my BEING to the source of life.

So far, it's taken me a lifetime to get here. And I got here because I was able to BE with my own darkness, to BE present with my inner demons and greatest fears.

There is no greater accomplishment than the ability to look what you fear most in the eyes.

Yes, I am insignificant.

Yes, I am broken.

Yes, I am lost and left behind. Yes yes yes

It is ONLY through walking in the dark that you earn your Sovereignty.

And I see so many people who are in the dark, who are so close, but who have forgotten who they are in the process, so they remain lost.

As the world changes, your ability to find light in the darkness will save you. But the mastery of your own darkness will make you Sovereign.

This is the core of my work, this is my true genius.

Anna Tsui