Alignment (Part II)
Alignment (Part II)
The experts had so much knowledge and so many tools--but little to no connection with the actual power of the universe, Source!
A major contributor to my on-again-off-again depression was this massive pain point:
*I felt like I had so much potential inside me...but my reality was not reflecting this potential.*
OUCH! Like a knife to the soul!
So I dove into some deep healing work...
•I re-programed my beliefs
•I studied law of attraction
•I “tapped” out my money blocks with EFT
•I connected with my spirit guides
Which, funny enough, lead me to realize the depths of how much I sucked even more!!
I mean, what's worse than knowing how powerful you are and having all these tools at your disposal yet still feeling like your life is stuck???
I was ashamed that, despite all my knowledge and intuitive abilities, I wasn’t able to manifest the life I wanted.
--> If I had all this power, how come I couldn't access it!???
It's because the connection to Source was tainted.
It’s because much of mainstream spiritual teachings and self-help is skewed with desires from the ego and is completely disconnected from love and true Source.
So, rather than actually connecting you to your TRUE power, it's actually your ego using spirituality as a means to prove how awesome you are and get all the shiny things.
Most of what I was immersing myself in was materialism re-branded as spirituality.
Deep inside I knew this but I wanted to manifest my mansion so badly!!
The experts had so much knowledge and so many tools--but little to no connection with the actual power of the universe, Source!
So many people believe they are spiritual but their power actually comes from their ego, not from Source. And the ego is hungry breeds separation and scarcity—and this exacerbates anxiety and depression.
SO I stopped doing things that I felt were ego-based and disempowering...
I stopped trying to force success.
I stopped listening to law of attraction experts and even some of my favorite spiritual teachers
I stopped chasing abundance. Instead, I CLAIMED it as my birthright. (there is a difference!)
I claimed my connection to Source. But not through words or prayers or meditations.
Through the primordial language that Source speaks: vibration.
And Source reciprocated.
Because this was through vibration, I was able to bypass the ego and I slowly began to learn how Source communicates!
WHOA, it is absolutely contrary to how we do things in business and in life!!
Take this vibrational lesson for example:
We can’t have what we want AND fear what we want at the same time.
Do you want to have a thriving business but secretly fear what people will think?
OR secretly fear that it won’t happen for you? (I got you there!)
Most people may think “well the universe knows what I *really* desire”
Source perceives you as a person who is scared of her desires
and your reality will reflect that.