The stock market and lessons on abundance
The stock market & lessons on abundance
One of the common words in a spiritual person’s vocabulary is ‘ease’.
You’ll hear things like “create your life with ease” or “how to manifest with ease”, but it isn’t as simple to do as it is as to say.
‘Ease’ doesn’t mean that you don’t have struggles nor does it mean that you can bypass what’s in front of you to pretend that things are good.
If you are struggling with resources and money, ease may be the last thing on your mind--but the journey to finding ease is what re-installs abundance and flow.
In fact, ‘disease’ is the state of simply not having natural flow and ease in your health.
The reason why we often find ourselves at unease or dis-ease is due to our continuous—and oftentimes unconscious—decision to make things more difficult than they actually are.
We look at the path that we are destined to take and instantly think “this has to be difficult, it’s going to be a lot of work” without giving ourselves a chance to see the entire picture.
This is where energy work comes in.
You must give yourself time in your executive space to align and be in the vision of the future you want to create instead of constantly reacting to your current circumstances.
And you know what?
Being in your genius allows you to plug into the portal of abundance.
In our genius, there is no rushing, there is no people pleasing and there is no scarcity.
We are simply naturally doing what we love in conjunction with our Divine Self.
We are achieving through our energetic mastery and co-creating with the universe.
So, if you want to make things easy, you need to follow that natural soul obsession and what you are intuitively guided to do.
Now, I don’t have any formal training in relation to investments or stocks and I’ve not started trading until very recently.
This decision was just a natural extension of my own soul obsession in how to help people thrive and achieve mastery in their lives.
Investing, for me, helps me understand my own intuition and I get instant feedback!
I’ve realized that it also helps me to unlock my next level of genius and in the process I’ve been able to learn more and more about the teachings of abundance.
There were many moments when I felt like I was on a different wavelength, where things were happening in extreme flow.
So much so that I invested in a company that I know and love, I especially love the CEO, and I was moved to connect with them—and they responded!
We actually ended up having a live zoom call, me and this well-respected CEO of a publicly traded company talking about genius! All within a matter of days!
When you’re in your genius flow, the distance between people and things dissolve. You collapse time, you open yourself to huge opportunities.
But remember, EASE does not mean everything is EASY.
My portfolio dipped nearly 40% during the market correction. I was deep in the red and my million dollar goal did not seem possible.
I was confronted with my shadow self, that part of me felt like such a loser and an imposter.
For a moment, I questioned every single move that I made and I wanted to give up.
But when I grounded myself in my future vision of having a million dollar portfolio, something happened, I could see this is part of the path, not a divergence from it.
It was clear that this time is a huge lesson on working from fear vs creating from abundance.
Surprisingly, it was easy for me to hold onto the energy of my goal even though everything in front of me was heading in the other direction.
Even though the market had dipped and my portfolio is in the red, I am unmoved in my knowing that I’m still going to have a million dollar portfolio by next year and it’s going to be easy.
I think we often face the same issue in our businesses: you announce that you’re raising your prices and a handful of ‘no’s’ discourage you and make you back down.
But don’t give in!
This is a lesson of abundance: always hold your vision and your standards.
It’s in the lowest times where you should be backing yourself up.
It’s in the times where your ego is thumbing its nose at you for not playing it safe that you need to believe in yourself the most.
All that worrying I did about losing so much money had distracted me from the fact that overall, this test was a huge gain for me.
If you stand behind yourself, you will find the evidence that you’re on the right path.
All you have to do is stop second guessing yourself and allow your genius to lead the way,