The Magic of Genius Marketing
The Magic of
Genius Marketing
Have you ever felt confounded why you’re doing all the right things in your business but it still feels off?
You’ve taken all the courses and workshops and have everything planned out but it’s missing...your magic?
If so, this might mean that you’re disconnected from your Genius.
Now, this is really important because your genius is what actually sells your high-end programs, and your genius is what enrolls people into your mission.
More importantly, your genius is what makes you love your business.
Everyone has a unique genius. It is intrinsically who we are before social conditioning. Your Genius is who you are without all of the masks you’ve been told to put up in order to be successful.
There were many years in my coaching business where I was doing all the right things and building my business persona but I stopped being excited by what I was doing.
I had unconsciously taken on a contrived personality and, rather than speaking my truth, I was saying what I thought my clients wanted to hear.
My coaches and the industry at the time were leading me to talk about money and how I can help people make $5k months, $15k months, double their yearly income!
Which was all true, but it was so uninteresting to me.
Because I knew that money is such a small part of the magic that happens when we are in our genius.
This was energetically killing me a little on the inside.
I was existing in a life curated for the mainstream was it was kinda depressing.
That’s the difference between working in your zone of excellence and working in your zone of Genius.
You might be successful, but are you satisfied?
Are people coming to you for what you can do or are they coming to you because of who you are?
No matter what façade society tells you to wear, there will always be a part of your soul that wants to return to the frequency of You.
Your Genius.
Connecting to your Genius is simple, but deeply nuanced.
Everyone’s Genius is unique to them, and that starts at their Soul Obsession.
A Soul Obsession is the specific change that you want to see in the world.
While we often approach this question from an egoic standpoint, with answers like “I want world peace” or “I want everyone to be happy and wealthy”, it’s not what your soul truly mulls over day in and day out.
Your Soul Obsession is the spidey-sense you have when you look at someone or some aspect of the world and it just feels off and you secretly want to fix it.
You read up on it.
Your mind naturally fixates on it even when you are relaxed.
You may even talk quietly to yourself about how to solve these problems you notice.
The reason I’m mentioning this is, once I started uncensoring myself and speaking out loud about my soul obsessions, about what was really alive for me in my life, whether or not it was connected to my book or my business—that’s when my super ideal clients arrived.
Recently, I have been speaking up against violence and Asian hate crimes and it prompted someone to hire me because they were drawn to my confidence and ease with which I show up in the world.
They were neither Asian nor really connected to the topic at hand, but they resonated with me being in my genius. Your genius is a beacon of light for people who need your medicine.
Initially, living in your Genius can be terrifying.
This is why there is a high barrier for entry, because it means letting go of the desire for constant external validation and truly relishing in your own personal frequency.
Geniuswork is doing less of what is expected for what is ‘typically successful’ and more of doing what is alive and exciting for you.
The first step is living with your heart open.